What Rate of Return Should You Assume for Retirement Planning

Estimating the future returns of your investments is a key part of most retirement plans. It can help us understand our plan’s chance of success, but it can also be the most challenging. In this article, I’ll walk through my approach along with the tools and resources you can use in your own retirement plan….

3-Step Guide to Mastering Bank Accounts and Cash Flow in Retirement

Congratulations on your retirement! Now, have you considered how you’ll handle your finances? The shift from a steady paycheck to drawing income from investments, social security, and perhaps other sources requires a different approach to cash management. This article was inspired by an email from a reader named Irving who asked the following question: “I’m…

The Spend Safely in Retirement Strategy

In 2017, the Stanford Center on Longevity analyzed 292 retirement withdrawal strategies. The study used eight metrics to measure how each strategy would satisfy various retirement income goals. From this analysis, the study identified what it described as the Spend Safely in Retirement Strategy (SSiRS). As described in a paper titled How to “Pensionize” Any IRA…


The 7 Levels of Financial Freedom

The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement has underscored the power of financial freedom. It’s the central theme in my book, Retire Before Mom and Dad. Indeed, financial freedom is the guiding principle of how I manage money. While financial freedom sounds good, however, many see it as a destination that’s at best 30 or…